Pink Notice
Pink Notice
Episode 2: Three Days

Episode 2: Three Days

Welcome back to The Pink Notice Podcast!

On this week’s episode we discuss a letter released by a few students who attend our alma mater. This letter discussed the boys’ grievances and objections towards the school flying the pride flag for a grand total of three days during Pride Month.

In this episode we read through the letter, discussing point by point (there really aren’t many) why we not-so-respectfully disagree with their position.

We highlight the clear bigotry on display, and the importance of practicing empathy when engaging in such conversations. You might agree with us, you might not, either way, we’d love it if you listened on and share your thoughts!

Here’s some coverage on the letter:

Hosted by Mukisa Mujulizi and Akha Manjezi.

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Pink Notice
Pink Notice
A podcast by Akha Manjezi and Mukisa Mujulizi.