Pink Notice
Pink Notice
Episode 3: How We Got Here

Episode 3: How We Got Here

Welcome back to The Pink Notice Podcast! On this week’s episode we delve into our journey to where we are now.

We've mentioned our position as leftists and how that informs our worldview. In today's episode, we discuss how we got here. Everyone's journey is different, but we ended up in the same place. Maybe you'll find your journey leads here too!

Akha starts by taking us back to 2019, delving into his initial experiences engaging with leftist thought--listening to the Citations Needed podcast and reading Noam Chomsky.

Mukisa then continues and walks us through his academic journey. Starting with reading Marx’s work early on, but not quite marrying his real-world context with theory until 2020.

In all of this emerges a conversation around capitalism, neoliberalism, labour, and exploitation. Listen in and find out if you had a similar journey to us, or if your journey has just begun!

Mukisa Mujulizi:

Akha Manjezi:


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Pink Notice
Pink Notice
A podcast by Akha Manjezi and Mukisa Mujulizi.